Memoria – Teddy Bear


We've produced a number of video projects for Memoria, who are one of the largest and most respected funeral providers in the UK. They decided to venture into home memorial products, and we provided studio and lifestyle photography and videos. On this occasion, they were looking to promote their teddy bear product in a more unique manner. Thus, we produced a narrative-led, emotional brand film, in order to connect with people on an authentic level. This looked at a young girl struggling to follow her passion for drawing whilst dealing with the loss of her grandfather.

Narrative Storytelling

Understanding the emotional connection and overall purpose of Memoria's home memorial products was vital in coming up with an effective idea for a brand film. We focused on showcasing the 'why' instead of the 'what' for the products existence. Focusing on the emotional attachment and a relatable story was vital in bringing this marketing campaign to life. People love stories and want to connect on a deeper level, especially if a product is based around sentiment, so producing emotionally impactful and relatable stories offers a greater opportunity for audience success. 

Brand Films

Brand films tell an emotional story that – directly or indirectly – promotes an organization, service or product. These are designed to connect with a target audience in a different way than most videos produced by a business. The goal isn't to hard sell your audience with what makes you the best, but to create content that makes them relate, or laugh, or cry, or just simply know and like your brand. Overall, connecting the audience to your brand's core messages. These are narrative-based, potentially emotional,  short films made by talented filmmakers to convey the heart of a brand – think John Lewis at Christmas and their Man on the Moon advert.

Watkins & Gunn Recruitment

Watkins & Gunn

We've worked with Watkins & Gunn Solicitors on many projects over the years, as part of our legal video services, and on this occasion they were looking for recruitment videos to showcase the company culture through staff stories and highlight their values and mission as a firm, to bolster recruitment efforts. We sat down with their solicitors of varied experience levels, and discussed their journeys and how they relate to the firm. After filming, Watkins & Gunn was awarded UK’s Best Workplaces recognition and later won the Workplace Wellbeing Award at the Wales Business Awards 2024. The first video of six, is about Aisha.

Hiring Perspective

Think about your hiring applicants journey. Solicitors have plenty of options of firms, so what’s going to make them choose yours, and cut through costly recruitment fees? Is company culture and values important to them? They’re likely jumping from website to website, reading great walls of text, all in the hopes of finding the perfect firm. Recruitment videos save them time, as once they find your videos, they can be enticed to watch, engaged by what they see, and be happy to cut straight to the point, in the process getting them to feel and act. Legal video marketing proves to be the way forward time and time again for engaging and winning more business.

Video Production

Attention spans are short – we ensure you get your message across effectively, especially when it comes to companies promotional videos. We believe video is about storytelling, and your brand stories can directly or in-directly showcase your organisation, explain how you make a difference, the values that matter most to you, discuss your unique selling points, all in order to achieve more sales and increase your brand awareness. Overall, building trust and connecting emotionally. We’ll ensure we do the competitor analysis and brainstorm ideas to ensure you stand out in video.

Watkins & Gunn Wellbeing

Watkins & Gunn

Working alongside Watkins and Gunn Solicitors again, this time to create a innovative video submission for the Wales Business Awards 2024 / Chambers Wales South East, South West and Mid in hopes they win the Workplace Wellbeing Award amongst fierce competition. And it turns out… they won! We produced a creative and fun wellbeing video that truly showcased the fantastic values, culture and personality of the firm, and how they prioritise the wellbeing of their staff. This ties into the recruitment videos we produced for the firm, to bring top solicitors to the firm whilst avoiding costly recruitment fees. *Video being used privately for now.*

Recruitment Journey

Think about your hiring applicants journey. Solicitors have plenty of options of firms, so what’s going to make them choose yours, and cut through costly recruitment fees? Is company culture and values important to them? They’re likely jumping from website to website, reading great walls of text, all in the hopes of finding the perfect firm. Having notable awards and a wellbeing video will help stand-out and recruit top talent without costly fees. This project ties into our recruitment videos, that save save potential applicants time, as once they find your videos, they can be enticed to watch, engaged by what they see, and be happy to cut straight to the point, in the process getting them to feel and act. Legal video marketing proves to be the way forward time and time again for engaging and winning more business.

Video Production

Attention spans are short – we ensure you get your message across effectively, especially when it comes to companies promotional videos. We believe video is about storytelling, and your brand stories can directly or in-directly showcase your organisation, explain how you make a difference, the values that matter most to you, discuss your unique selling points, all in order to achieve more sales and increase your brand awareness. Overall, building trust and connecting emotionally. We’ll ensure we do the competitor analysis and brainstorm ideas to ensure you stand out in video.

Watkins & Gunn – Platform

Watkins & Gunn

We produced a series of videos for Watkins & Gunn looking at the individual services they provide. This video looks at the 'Platform', explaining to potential customers how they can help with planning  and executing their wills.

Clear Communication

When showcasing the services a business provides, it's important to communicate these in an authentic and trust-worthy manner, whilst displaying the clear ability to provide these services. Having videos for each service on your website can make a huge difference in converting potential customers.

Video Production

Attention spans are short – we ensure you get your message across effectively. Your brand stories can directly or in-directly showcase your organisation, explain how you make a difference, and focus on your unique selling points, in order to achieve more sales and increase your brand awareness. We’ll ensure we do the competitor analysis, and brainstorm ideas to ensure you stand out in video.

Memoria Testimonial


We have been working with Memoria on various projects and due to the success of these projects, they offered us to film a video testimonial about our relationship. We've covered brand films, corporate videos, training videos, product videos and more.

Case Studies

If you have delighted clients, ask them to tell their powerful story, talking about the problem you solved for them, or simply about your great service. These are designed to attract more of your ideal clients, showing your expertise in a specific sector or niche. Alongside video testimonials, they can also be documentary-like productions, following a specific project from start to finish.

Memoria – Attended Funerals


We produced a promotional video for Memoria discussing the difference between an attended funeral service compared with direct cremations, looking at the things included and costings.

Video Production

Attention spans are short – we ensure you get your message across effectively. Your brand stories can directly or in-directly showcase your organisation, explain how you make a difference, and focus on your unique selling points, in order to achieve more sales and increase your brand awareness. We’ll ensure we do the competitor analysis, and brainstorm ideas to ensure you stand out in video.

Memoria – Products


We produced photos and videos for Memoria's brand new home memorial products which included shooting in a studio with a white backdrop and a home setting. These were completed alongside our brand films that told emotional stories for why the products exist.


Understanding the serious nature of Memoria's products was essential in bringing them to life. Producing relaxing and visually rich content to showcase the products in various settings was ideal for marketing them on different platforms with different target audiences. 

Product Videos

Catching peoples attention in a crowded marketplace can be tricky, but using video content tailored to what makes your product special proves time and time again to be the most effective form of marketing. Whether it's a fast paced, quick cutting montage or a delicate and relaxed narrative-led film, we can help.