This blog comprises four educational tips designed to help with camera confidence, enabling you to effectively represent yourself and your brand. Many industries shy away from video projects due to staff discomfort in front of the camera, leading to missed opportunities to establish trust and connect with audiences on a more personal level through video.

Why do we fear the camera?
It’s likely a combination of self-consciousness, performance anxiety, and the awareness of being observed. The presence of a camera may amplify the sense of being scrutinized. Additionally, the awareness that the recorded content may be shared or viewed by others can contribute to the anxiety.

Tip 1/4 - Just talking to a friend
Imagine you’re chatting with someone who puts you at ease – maybe a family member, friend, or even a potential client. Visualize that person. Our top camera confidence tip is to picture yourself at a laid-back spot like a bar, casually explaining what you do to a new friend. It adds a touch of formality while keeping things energetic and passionate, ensuring more natural communication.

Tip 2/4 - Fun working environment
Having a relaxed set filled with laughter is probably the most important factor in ensuring talent are comfortable on camera. In our testimonials from clients, they often talk about how enjoyable the experience was and how relaxed we made them feel. Whilst this is a natural process, we always go out of our way to ensure everyone is relaxed and passionate about the video we’re creating.

Tip 3/4 - Teleprompter & Practice
It’s important to practice before going on camera, whether that’s presenting in-front of people, filming yourself with your phone or having a speaking coach. If you’re scripting an interview, wording it to match how you actually speak is vital to sound natural, and a teleprompter avoids going off memory. Lastly, mix interviews up with answering questions freely.

Tip 4/4 - Focus on the message, not yourself
Shift your focus from how you appear on camera to the value of the message you’re conveying. Concentrate on helping and engaging your audience. Knowing your material and being well-prepared about the content you are presenting leads to confidence, due to a deep understanding of the subject matter. The more confident your knowledge the easier to communicate it.

We hope these confidences tips with filming are helpful to any projects you may undertake. We are always happy to offer a free chat to discuss any potential projects you have in mind and provide a consultation on how videos can elevate your firm.
This blog was written by Haydn Wakeling, Founder of Black Swan Productions.