Celtic English Academy | Summer Programme

Celtic English Academy

We worked with Celtic English Academy on various exciting projects, filming the students experiences on summer programs, filming the students in the classrooms, and hearing directly from the students with testimonial videos, whilst providing photography services. For this project, Celtic English Academy were looking to capture the experience of their students in their typical educational setting, and the fun experience of their local trip to Cardiff Bay. In this, we provided a promotional video, social media content and photography to maximise the filming. When it comes to capturing the students perspective, education video marketing is vital, as people of all ages and demographics can watch and connect with a well produced video.

Experience Videos

When it comes to experiences, what could be more effective in connecting with a target audience than simply showing an experience in an engaging way through video. It's hard to sell or explain an experience emotionally with just text, and whilst images are powerful, they only go so far. Overall, the benefits lie in their ability to evoke emotions, increase viewer engagement, and provide a more authentic understanding of the subject matter. When being used as an education video, they can enhance marketing efforts by offering potential customers a realistic preview of what they can expect, leading to better-informed decisions and increased conversion rates. They have many common uses, such as luxury getaways, specific events, and much more.

Video Production

Attention spans are short – we ensure you get your message across effectively, especially when it comes to wedding venue video production. Video is about storytelling, and your brand stories can directly or in-directly showcase your organisation, explain how you make a difference, the values that matter most to you, discuss your unique selling points, all in order to achieve more sales and increase your brand awareness. Overall, building trust and connecting emotionally. We’ll ensure we do the competitor analysis and brainstorm ideas to ensure you stand out in video.